This weekend marks
the celebration of the death and resurrection of our Savior Jesus
Christ. We will be gathering to celebrate his perfect life, his
death as the ultimate curse of God for sin, and his resurrection, the
proclamation of the Father’s satisfaction with his Son’s
sacrifice. We will join the millions of Christ-followers who see the
life, death, and resurrection of Jesus as the most central and
important event in the history of the world.
This year as we
celebrate Easter we will also be celebrating another important
celebration in the life of the Blanco family, the 2nd
anniversary of the life and death of our first-born son, Haddon
Brooks Blanco. While Easter has always been important to us, through
our son Haddon, God has given us a lens in which to view Easter. We
are far more aware of the joy that the resurrections provides as an
anchor of hope for all who are in Christ. We are growing and
experiencing a new understanding of awaiting that one day when all
who are in Christ will be raised to glory with the resurrected
Haddon has
taught me that God’s love for his own son is far greater than my
love for my own children. As a proud father, I have experienced
what many other fathers have experienced when they transition into
the role of fatherhood, an immense awakening of fatherly love. We
are so proud of our kids the instant that we first see them. We
almost immediately began searching for similarities to claim before
anyone else can suggest otherwise. We find for the first time joy in
being awakened and depended upon during the night (though certainly
this applies much more thoroughly with our wives). We would do
anything to show our kids how much we love them. This is a gift from
God that our hearts are instantly tied to our children, as if we had
been best friends for a countless number of years. That is exactly
how I felt as I entered fatherhood when Haddon arrived two years ago.
I loved him instantly. My bond to him formed quicker than any other
bond God has ever given me, even quicker than the bond that first
formed meeting his mother and my wife, Lisa.
relationship with his Son is so profoundly deeper than my
relationship with both of my sons. Whereas my bond with Haddon, and
his younger brother Ernie has lasted as long as I have known them,
God’s bond with his son has existed from the foundations of
eternity. Prior to the coming of Jesus to earth, the Father and Son
had never experienced any separation. Their bond was so profoundly
rich because of their unique relationship that it is difficult for
Christians today to even conceive of the love that exists between
Father and Son.
The Lord has
also taught me these past two years that the deeper the love one
experiences with another, the deeper the hurt one feels when
experiencing a separation from the relationship. This is why
the separation of the Son and the Father on the cross is unparalleled
in all of world history. Not only did God separate himself
physically from his Son, but he also separated himself from any sense
of goodwill, of love, and of affection for his beloved first-born.
He so separated himself from his relationship with his Son on the
cross, that Jesus literally became the curse and scorn of God by
hanging on the cross at Calvary. And because that separation between
Father and Son occurred, we were given over victory over the
temporary separation that occurs when a child of God departs from
this earth. I am reminded when my heart aches for the separation
that I currently feel from Haddon, that God the Father is more than
familiar with my pain. He has destroyed the sting of death through
the loving sacrifice of Jesus. As Haddon's dad, its just a little
easier to understand some of the grief God’s heart must have went
through Christ was afflicted with the sins of the world.
Lastly, I am
reminded that God is the magnificent victor over death and sin.
Jesus did not stay dead in the grave, but as the Scriptures remind us
Jesus conquered death and rose on the third day appearing to over 500
witnesses before ascending to the Father in glory. God’s stamp of
approval of his Son’s death in the resurrection is the reason that
there is hope to be found in a world marred by sin. This hope is
spoken of in 1 Peter 1:7 which states, “In this you rejoice ,
though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by
various trials, so that the tested genuineness of your faith—more
precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire—may be
found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of
Jesus Christ.” The resurrection reminds me that each trial God has
called me to and will call me to, are carefully designed for my good
and for the everlasting glory of Jesus Christ. This Easter, which is
also the same day as Haddon’s birthday, I will be rejoicing in my
God who has victoriously conquered death and promised new life to all
who put their faith and trust in him. The resurrected Christ indeed
is our only hope for victory over death.
Romans 8:32 “He who did not spare
his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will ne not also with him
graciously give us all things?”
Wow. Thank you both of you for your faith towards God in all you write but thank you for this post. So encouraging, so rich in truth and makes me long to be with Jesus! God is using you both in countless ways-praise be to Him!